Map layers for road surface typesFORUMS HOME SEARCH FORUMS

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    plotaroute admin   Thursday 02 Sep 2021 09:31:38

    We do already have a Road Bikeable map layer that you can use (under the Map Types). This  uses surface and access permission data from OSM where available and makes some basic assumptions where data is missing. You can also use the Terrain Inspector features for a more detailed look at the terrain type along a route or thr Map Inspector to check the surface type for any road or path on the map. 

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    Peder Andersen   Wednesday 01 Sep 2021 13:55:24

    I agree with you and  Johannes on this. Road bike freindly hard surface and then all others.


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    Johannes Prison Wednesday 01 Sep 2021 09:22:10

    I think the most important addition would be to be able to differentiate roads by colour between hard and soft surfaces as you say, for example tarmac vs gravel (where tarmac can be if many types - tarmac/bitumen/asphalt/etc. And the same goes for gravel - hard packed small gravel/loosely packed gravel/dirt roads/forest roads etc. Just a simple eay to be able to get away from those black roads...;)


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    plotaroute admin   Wednesday 17 Feb 2021 09:07:00

    Thanks for the suggestion Peder. That's something we can look into. I've added it to our Feature Requests list (number 108) where people can vote for it.

    There are lots of different surface types on OSM, so they would need to be grouped. What groups would you be interested in?  Just "hard surfaces" and "soft surfaces" or other ones? 

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    Peder Andersen   Tuesday 16 Feb 2021 19:53:01

    Would it be possible to toggle an extra map layer showing road surface in a color code, e.g. tarmac in red and gravel in blue?





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